Improve Your Night Vision When Driving in Livonia
June 30, 2019
Night driving in Livonia is not as safe as daylight driving as evidenced by the increased accident rate at night. Much of that is simply because it's dark outside.Visibility is important to safe driving. Ninety percent of our driving decisions are based on what we see. And at night, we just can't... More

I Can See Clearly Now: Wiper Blade Replacement in Livonia
June 23, 2019
About 90% of our driving decisions in the Livonia area are based solely on what we see. So having a good pair of windshield wipers is extremely important.Most Livonia drivers have experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm, or when our vehicle windshield ... More

ICE - In Case Of Emergency In Livonia MI
June 16, 2019
When accidents occur in Livonia, MI, the victims' emergency contacts are extremely important. Too often, those involved aren't able to provide rescuers with phone numbers and medical information.When MI police and rescue workers must sift through pockets, glove compartments, wallets, purses and ... More

Know Your Towing Limits in Livonia
June 9, 2019
Some Livonia drivers figure that anything they can attach to their trailer hitch can be towed by their vehicle. Nope. If you're going to do any towing around Livonia, you should be aware of safety issues, MI towing laws and potential liability.Understanding tow ratings is important for safe towin... More

Suspension Service in Livonia at Auto Lab Livonia
June 2, 2019
When they hear the word suspension, many drivers in Livonia may think back to those energetic days of grade school. Well, your vehicle's suspension is actually a good thing because it keeps your vehicle up off the road and helps provide a comfy ride around Livonia. Its job is to keep your wheels... More